Warriors in Pink inspires

I have lost ­­three friends to breast cancer.  I miss them.  A dozen more have fought their way through diagnosis and treatment.  Each woman fights the invader in their bodies in every way they know how.  I have so much love and respect for each one. They were and are valiant warriors. So when I picked up this book, I wasn’t sure how I would feel reading it.

warrior in pink bookWarrior in Pink is Vivian Mabuni’s warm, raw, and vulnerable journey through cancer.  She invites you in to the battle within and around her.  From the doctor’s office, to her family meetings, from her friendships to the hospitals, she invites you into her own physical and spiritual experience.  She takes you with her into the pivotal moments of her journey. I felt like I was sitting across the table from her and she was telling me her story.

Right from the start, Vivian realized that this was  something she could not fight alone. Prior to her diagnosis, she made a commitment to not withdraw from people should something like this ever happen. She leans into the battle as she leans on God, her family, and her friends.  Whether it is running, or napping, getting a dog or receiving care packages, she shows us how to receive and how to give in the midst of the battle.

Warrior in Pink paints the picture of faith and community that many of us long for and don’t realize we need until we are beyond our own ability to cope.

Along with her powerful story are the insights for caregivers shared by her husband in the appendix.  If you know someone who is caring for someone with breast cancer, this book will help them understand what their loved one is facing.

If you know someone who is in the midst of this battle, this book is that encouragement that others are fighting, too, and that we are truly not alone.  There is hope for women who are Warriors in Pink!



PS  I have received a copy of this book from the author, who is a friend and co-worker.
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